Whazzat?! Whazzat?!

It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!

Now, my family doesn’t believe in the Great Pumpkin, exactly, but we do love to watch the Peanuts cartoon about Linus and his undying faith in the Great Pumpkin.  (My favorite moment in all of cartoondom is when Linus is in the pumpkin patch keeping vigil for the appearance of the Great Pumpkin.  When Snoopy rises up, a silhouette in the darkness, Linus’ hair stands up on end as he is overcome and cries out, “Whazzat?!  Whazzat?!” just before he collapses in a faint.)

All I can say is that we must have a pretty sincere pumpkin patch, because the Great Pumpkin came to our house last night.

It’s all because of Auntie Dawn.

Let me explain.

Dinah came to me on Thursday morning and said, “I wonder what the Great Pumpkin will bring me as I sleep tonight.”

I said, “But Dinah, the other day you said you didn’t believe in the Great Pumpkin.”

She said, “But AUNTIE DAWN sent us something from the Great Pumpkin, and now I believe.” (Auntie Dawn, my husband’s twin sister, sent the girls cards and stickers and Halloween bracelets made by her oldest daughter.)

So, I want to publicly thank Auntie Dawn for restoring my daughters’ faith in the Great Pumpkin (and for making us scurry out to get Halloween presents so that we don’t disappoint our daughters on Halloween morning, that most blessed of all mornings).

The hubs (who told me yesterday, after reading my post, told me, “It’s Mr. Hubs to you”) went out and bought our daughters a little something, a couple of pets from the Littlest Pet Shop collection (another tradition we can thank Auntie Dawn for).  He put the new pets in the middle of the coffee table, innocently there among the pets left there last night.

The girls were so excited about Halloween that they came into our bedroom to climb in with us (and to horrify us with their little icicle feets) at 5:30 am.  They were absolutely wriggling, unable to fall back asleep.  But then Mr. Hubs put a fan on for a little white noise, and they collapsed back into sleep until it was time to get up and go downstairs to see if the Great Pumpkin had visited.

He had.

Here’s to the Great Pumpkin (and Auntie Dawn)!  Happy Halloween!