Children’s Book Review: Twins!

About Children’s Book Reviews @ BeTwinned

by Charlotte Doyle, illustrated by Julia Gorton
Photo from

Review by Sandra Horning

If your twin babies are just beginning to show an interest in books, then Twins! would be a good choice for them. Although the book is a picture book, it feels like a board book as the pages are thicker and sturdier than normal. The short text rhymes and easily keeps the attention of little ones, while the simple, bold illustrations provide lots of contrasts for young eyes. The book will provide some early learning too, with some numbers, colors and early word (for example, “up” and “down”) recognition.

The twins move through the book doing various activities, such as swinging on the swings, crying over dropped ice cream, looking at a book, fighting over a stuffed bear, taking a bath, and sleeping (always something a parent wants to encourage). All in all, this is a nice book for the new twins in your life to enjoy!

Ages 1-4